
Ferrite: 30100
Bioptics: 25050
Niodes: 115

Project Penner, as it became to be known, was the brainchild of long time mecha pilot, Mark Penner. Years, even decades, of data collected from the battlefields of the galaxy and analyzed through the eyes of first-hand experience led to the design of this Ultra Heavy Mecha.

It began rather humbly as a series of sketches, doodles, “what ifs”, and “wouldn’t it be nice to have” ideas added into after action reports and mission evaluations.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 110
Armor Points 320
Start Weapons 12
Min Level 170
Min Heavy Skill 75
Levels/Weapon 2.5
Manufacturer Star Factories
Build 1.3X Damage 5%
Build Proj. Damage + 10%
Build Speed - 25
Level 2 Shield (10)
Level 3 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 5 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 6 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 8 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 8 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 10
+ every 2.5 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 10 Speed + 2
Level 12 Reflect 1%
Level 16 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 20 Precision (2)
Level 22 Shield (10)
Level 24 2X Damage 5%
Level 26 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 28 Proj. Damage + 7%
Level 30 Speed + 2
Level 32 Reflect 1%
Level 34 3X Damage 5%
Level 36 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 38 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 40 Dodge (2)
Level 42 Shield (10)
Level 44 1.3X Damage 5%
Level 46 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 48 Proj. Damage + 7%
Level 50 Speed + 2
Level 52 Reflect 1%
Level 54 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 56 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 62 Shield (10)
Level 66 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 68 Proj. Damage + 7%
Level 70 Speed + 2
Level 72 Reflect 1%
Level 74 2X Damage 5%
Level 76 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 78 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 80 Precision (2)
Level 82 Shield (10)
Level 84 3X Damage 5%
Level 86 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 88 Proj. Damage + 6%
Level 90 Speed + 2
Level 92 Reflect 1%
Level 94 1.3X Damage 5%
Level 96 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 100 Dodge (2)
Level 100 Med-Bot (1)
Level 102 Shield (10)
Level 104 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 106 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 108 Proj. Damage + 6%
Level 110 Speed + 2
Level 112 Reflect 1%
Level 116 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 122 Shield (10)
Level 124 2X Damage 5%
Level 126 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 128 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 130 Speed + 2
Level 132 Reflect 1%
Level 134 3X Damage 5%
Level 136 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 140 Precision (2)
Level 142 Shield (10)
Level 144 1.3X Damage 5%
Level 146 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 148 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 150 Speed + 2
Level 152 Reflect 1%
Level 154 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 156 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 158 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 162 Shield (10)
Level 166 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 168 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 170 Speed + 1
Level 176 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 180 Med-Bot (1)
Level 186 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 189 Reflect 1%
Level 191 2X Damage 5%
Level 196 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 198 Precision (2)
Level 200 Shield (10)
Level 202 3X Damage 5%
Level 206 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 207 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 209 Speed + 1
Level 211 Reflect 1%
Level 213 1.3X Damage 5%
Level 216 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 218 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 222 Shield (10)
Level 224 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 226 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 229 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 231 Speed + 1
Level 233 Reflect 1%
Level 236 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 240 Med-Bot (1)
Level 242 Precision (2)
Level 244 Shield (10)
Level 246 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 246 2X Damage 5%
Level 251 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 253 Speed + 1
Level 255 Reflect 1%
Level 256 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 257 3X Damage 5%
Level 266 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 266 Shield (10)
Level 268 1.3X Damage 5%
Level 273 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 275 Speed + 1
Level 276 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 277 Reflect 1%
Level 279 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 284 Med-Bot (1)
Level 286 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 286 Precision (2)
Level 288 Shield (10)
Level 295 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 297 Speed + 1
Level 299 Reflect 1%
Level 301 2X Damage 5%
Level 306 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 308 Dodge (2)
Level 310 Shield (10)
Level 312 3X Damage 5%
Level 317 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 319 Speed + 1
Level 328 Shield (5)
Level 349 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 350 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 362 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 383 Speed + 1
Level 398 Reflect 1%
Level 400 + 1 Chassis Slot

Over the years it became more of an outline for some possible modifications to existing design to eventually a full fledged blueprint of its own. While the theory of this new fighting machine was sound Mark, or even his entire clan, did not possess the necessary heavy manufacturing equipment to construct such a machine. As it happens, as these things usually do, Mark was waiting to meet a representative from the Schwarzbär Collective in the Illyrian Hegemony about a possible job and was working on some details in his notes. So engrossed in his work he did not notice the approach of his prospective client until the representative who had arrived and was observing offered a bit of advice on the placement of a piece of equipment. The rest, as they say, was history. After some negotiations about production and the like the Schwarzbär Collective quickly began retooling one of their assembly plants for the production of the Penner Mecha.

The Ultra Heavy Mecha is designed around ultra heavy firepower. It relies on the rapid rate of fire that is prevalent in Projectile weapons systems as its primary focus. To maintain this high volume the Penner was designed to support the most rapid advancement of weapon system support of any mecha to date. As the mecha is upgraded the A.I. will be able to control an additional weapon every 2.5 levels on average. The rapid increase of weapons keeps in line with the overwhelming firepower focus of the Penner. Even the factory installed weapons are designed to make the Penner a serious threat as it walks off the assembly line. A Nightmare Device cannon is mounted as the primary weapon along with a Whirling Barrels. These massive guns have a pair of Battleship Turrets to back them up.

The A.I. constructed for this mecha is the Obsidian Omega. It too, focuses on Projectile weapons. Fully upgraded it will enhance the output of cannon type weapons by just shy of a 100 percent increase. Target analysis scans for weakened armor plating or exposed joints to exploit with precision fire. A 12% boost to hit an enemy mecha adds to solid a baseline of 10% Crit-kill built in to the cockpit. Both of these factors can easily be enhanced with the additional equipment that can be placed in the eight slots provided.

Being the first Ultra Heavy Mecha, not to mention the first Niodes design, constructed by Schwarzbär an entirely chassis was required for the project. The Black Bear type 7 Thunderwalker was developed for the project. This extremely durable chassis design provides ample room for the massive power plant without the need to short the design of shielding or other modules such as the five Msd-Bot units integral to the inner workings of the Penner. It is also built of a magnetically neutral alloy to defeat some types of targeting locks thereby enhancing the Dodge capability of the mecha. Seven hardpoints are included for the installation of additional equipment.

The Shielding included for the basic design begins with multiple shield pods mounted around the Chassis. Fully upgraded these will absorb 150 points of damage from any source. As a countermeasure Reflect Shield units will return 14% of all incoming fire back at its foes. Six ports for heavy shielding modules give the mecha the capability of mounting a full pentagram of overlapping shield types. This configuration reduces any vulnerabilities from any one shield type and still leaves a place for an addition module as may be required by missions.

A Nueranium Generator powers the Penner at Speeds approaching combat optimal, once it is fully upgraded. Fully eight additional modules can be added to further increase the Speed of the mecha. The Nueranium Generator is also well equipped with multiple banks of overload modules to direct excess power to the weapons systems. With each rated at 30% the Penner will see 1.3X, 1.5X, 2X, and 3X overload singly and in varying combinations at frequent intervals.

The Penner mecha bears its namesake’s omega device proudly on its shoulder as a badge of honor. There is no doubt this machine will dominate the battlefield for generations to come.

Legendary Pilots

  • KiloToneRecoil


    As of Today a new legend s being told around the Mecha Galaxy. KiloToneRecoil has become renowned as a legendary pilot of the 110 ton Penner Class Mecha. In the hands of a pilot like KTR the core attributes of the Penner - brutal firepower, significant upgrades to projectile power, and an empowering instant critical kills to all attacks - all reach their fullest potential. At that full potential the Penner is a machine built overwhelming damage and destruction; attributes that have left many a pilot defeated before they were even aware they were in a fight. KTR has used that firepower to see success both for himself, and for his clan. KTR has been a pilot for about as long as they kept records of pilots. Debuting at the 11th Clan Wars, KiloToneRecoil made sure to leave a blood impression on his opponents. In particular, KRT has established himself as a leader in the mecha universe. The leader of the the clan Brotherhood - BlackWatch, KiloTonRecoil is used to the burdens, and the glories, of leadership. When recounting his activities with the Brotherhood-BlackWatch, KTR speaks of them the as a second family, one he has helped grow. Starting as a clan predominantly achieving silver level victory, KTR has helped them evolve and achieve over galactic decades, and whether the slings and arrows of friendly departures, as well as dangerous deceits. Now the clan routinley finds itself winning the gold. A fighting unit for over 8 years, one thing is certain, the legend of both KiloToneRecoil and his clan will continue to grow throughout the galaxy.


Penner comes fully equiped with:



Nightmare Device


 Nightmare Device

3X Damage 30%

Precision (9)

No escape. Nowhere to hide. It’s worse than your enemies can imagine.



Whirring Barrels


Whirring Barrels

Fork 5%

2X Damage 20%

This versatile cannon can use improvised matter as ammo. Fire fast, reloads faster.



Battleship Turret


Battleship Turret

3X Damage 25%

Fork 25%

Ancient design, ultramodern results



Battleship Turret


Battleship Turret

3X Damage 25%

Fork 25%

Ancient design, ultramodern results






Trample 8%

Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.






Trample 8%

Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.






Trample 8%

Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.






3X Damage 7%

Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.






3X Damage 7%

Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.






3X Damage 7%

Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.






2X Damage 10%

This cannon's impressive firepower will be a deciding factor in the outcome of your battles.






2X Damage 10%

This cannon's impressive firepower will be a deciding factor in the outcome of your battles.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
33902 Ferrite
26227 Bioptics
618 Crystal
72 Niodes


Buy a Penner

Ferrite: 30100
Bioptics: 25050
Niodes: 115